Hidden hoard bastion
Hidden hoard bastion


Once this harrowing fight is over, you’ll have completed the main story, congratulations! Boatman Coins Collectibles He can also summon crystal formations and make them explode, and both actions in succession can kill you on the spot, so keep dodging no matter what. His attacks are mostly slow and telegraphed, but they deal massive damage. Unlike other bosses who like to summon dozens of minions to keep up the pressure, Moloch is the only enemy you’ll face in this fight. You’ll face Moloch in Chapter 16 he is the game’s fifth and final boss.

hidden hoard bastion

Notes: Can’t be missed if you play through the game normally. This will put you in an invincible state that protects you from being pushed off the platform.

hidden hoard bastion

Whenever your characters start talking about an upcoming wave, make sure to have an enemy minion close at hand, weaken them, then perform an execution move. This giant eldritch abomination will summon lightning and giant waves to bring the pain. You’ll face Dagon in Chapter 13 he is the game’s fourth true boss. Whenever possible, jump on your horse with Strife and follow Astarte around the pyre, shooting her until she trips and falls. Coming right on the heels of Belial, she’s a tough fight, summoning fallen Nephilim to attack you, and they take a lot of hits to go down. You’ll face Astarte in Chapter 10 she is the game’s third true boss. Switch to War and throw the Vorpal Blade at said pillars to prevent Belial from using them. He’ll occasionally draw energy from two pillars in the room, boosting his magic damage. Unlike his Darksiders 2 incarnation, he isn’t too much of a hassle. You’ll face Belial in Chapter 9 he is the game’s second true boss. He shouldn’t be too much of a challenge, and you can take out his summons to make the fight easier. You’ll face Mammon in Chapter 6 he is the game’s first true boss. Notes: Can’t be missed if you play through the game normally. I try to stay light on spoilers but some are required for explanations.Ī note should be made that Darksiders Genesis heavily encourages you to play through its content more than once, as it leads to new abilities, treasures and powerups that will make you even stronger and allow you to tackle even the hardest challenges the game throws at you. I only cover the story-related achievements (the bosses), the Boatman’s Coins collectibles, the weapon abilities and wrath powers, the side quests which earn you an achievement or are needed to earn an achievement later on (such as in the Boatman’s labyrinth), the miscellaneous ones, the creature cores and finally the difficulty-related achievements.


This guide only covers the steps needed to get 100% achievements/trophies in Darksiders Genesis, it doesn’t contain information on how to complete the Journal or every objective in the game, since those are not required for the game to count as being complete on your profile.

hidden hoard bastion


Since I’d always wanted to publish at least one guide on here at some point, I figured I might as well tackle this one in order to help PS4 and Xbox One players once the game drops for them in February.


While the game has been out on PC and Stadia for over a month at this point, there doesn’t seem to be a comprehensive 100% achievement guide for Darksiders Genesis available anywhere, just snippets and loose explanations. Hello and welcome to this beautiful guide written in order to help you earn every single achievement in the latest entry in the Darksiders franchise.

  • Minimum amount of playthroughs: 2 (But you’ll want to do 3 for comfort).

  • Hidden hoard bastion